Email: Tel: 01420 477 787

Our People
Charity Manager
Our Charity Manager, Sue Nicholson, manages the charity’s day-to-day operations, overseeing the shops and dealing with all applications received for financial support.
A unique feature of The Tantum Trust is the speed of response to grant applications which comes from our lean management structure. Only larger grants are considered on an anonymous basis by the Trustees who meet on a monthly basis and will also consider any urgent applications for larger grants outside of this process if required.
Our Bookkeeper, Karen McMullen, looks after the charity’s day-to-day finances and assists with the running of the office alongside the Charity Manager.
Our Board of Trustees
The Tantum Trust is supported by a dedicated Board of Trustees who provide expert advice and guidance to the charity.
Our current Trustees are:
Malcolm Traviss, Chair of Trustees
Jeremy Bonnett
Jane Slater
Jean Barnard
Vince Prior
Margaret Lawden
Georgina Vernor-Miles
Joanna Atkinson