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Support for individuals and families
Applying for support as an individual or family
Applications for assistance have to come through, and with the support of, local bodies such as Citizens Advice, Health and Social workers, Home-Start, Schools and Churches.
Help with food, furniture, electrical goods and carpets are the most common grants given. But, where justified, we can also assist with debt relief orders, utility bills, funeral expenses, rent deposits and many other expenses which applicants are unable to pay.
How The Tantum Trust assesses need and awards grants
A unique feature of the Tantum Trust is the speed of response to grant applications which comes from our lean management structure. In many cases the Charity Manager can deal with applications within a few days or even hours for emergency situations.
For larger grants the trustees meet monthly to assess the merits of a case but this process can be speeded up where the need is urgent. Each case is treated discreetly by the Trustees, who do not know the names or contacts of the applicants, and work only by case number.
Another feature of The Tantum Trust is its broad remit which allows it to give help when and where it's needed. We are not tied to any particular aim or target group with regard to the assistance given.
Thus the flexibility and speed of response coupled with the ability to consider virtually any need for assistance makes the charity unique in the local community and thereby uniquely deserving of support by the community.
Applying for support as a community group
The Charity also gives money to support local community organisations. Most of this is done through the Charity’s Boltini Fund.